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Hello, I have been teaching for two years. Basically two out of three classes were out of control whenever the support person was absent. The assistant principal recommended I be terminated. I'm having regrets now that I resigned because I can't find another job. Should I fought my dismissal? Another teacher told me no one ever gets fired because the union will protect your job. The things against me were: a termination recommendation, poor classroom managament, 0 satisfactory observations, a write-up for insubordination, a recommended suspension. Things in my favor: Excellent attendance, no latenesses, good lesson plans/knowledge of subject and use of technology.
anon It wouldn't have hurt you to have fought it if you could have (assuming you had a continuing contract). If you didn't have one, misnamed "tenure," then there is nothing you could have done.

People get fired from teaching all the time, or, even more common, take a resignation in lieu of a dismissal, which is always a mistake. Basically it ...See More
Jul 24, 2013

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