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Can a district hire a teacher without board approval? From what I understand the board must approve all new hires and if a teacher is moving from one position to another.

My district is hiring without approval, and putting subs in subject areas that they are not certified to teach (a relative ofcourse).
ron/nj I believe those hired/transferred would be approved at the next meeting.
Sep 11, 2013
Mia Thanks Ron, I don't know about that here. The last time they hired a long term sub it was never in board notes because the person they put in was not cert. in the field she was subbing in. And I have a feeling since they did it again, they are not going to show it. The other teacher they "transferred" was in the position he was in last year. They j...See More
Sep 12, 2013
ron/nj These political school systems get away with alot of nonsense. The average Joe can't go up against them. Maybe speaking to the union will shed some light. Good luck but don't expect anything positive to come of this. ron
Sep 12, 2013
Mia Thanks Ron, I took your advice and told the union, they referred me to another office. I called and got the third degree from the woman who answered the phone. I left a message and never got a call back. The wrongs that are happening in our schools is just unacceptable, the "powers that be" are a good old boys club and taking care of their own, and...See More
Sep 29, 2013

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