NJ Teachers
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I recently made the decision to resign from my teaching position in a particular school district for a number of personal reasons. I gave my principal and supervisor a formal written letter of resignation with 60 days notice in respect to the contract I signed upon taking the job. Does anyone know what obligations I have to the school in the meantime? I am I still entitled to sick/personal days?
ron/nj the same obligations as before hold during the next 60 days. You can still call in sick, not sure about a personal day. Check with your union rep on that ques.
Nov 6, 2013
Steve Your only obligation is to do the best job possible for the students. If you need to take a sick/personal day, I would think you're entitled to, especially if you get any interviews.

On 11/06/13, keeping faith wrote: > I recently made the decision to resign from my teaching > position in a particular school district for a number of ...See More
Nov 17, 2013

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