NM Teachers
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I am trying to figure out what test I can take to add the
TESOL endorsement to my license, (as described on the PED
website), but I can find no info on it anywhere. The NMTA
website says nothing about it. Where is said exam???
Thanks, Jesse
Jules /blockquote>

There is no test currently, but I think one will be added
soon. Right now in order to add a TESOL endorsement to your
license, you have to take the necessary classes.
Jun 5, 2005
rw /blockquote>

There is no exam (I know they have one in some states, like
TExas, but not here). Go to the State Department of NM
website, print an application for adding endorsements to your
license, send it in with your transcripts. They will either
add the endorsement to your license and send you a new
license, or t...See More
Jun 9, 2005

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