NM Teachers
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Get This,

I have a Level III -A Instructional Leader Certificate -
Lifetime, Sped K - 12, and Secondary Lang. Arts and Social
Studies issued by the N.M. Educ. Department., taught sped
at all levels in N.M. for 38 years, and retired two years
ago. Born and raised in N.M. Went to college in New

Went to the Grants personnel office to inquire about
subing. Among other things, I had to OBSERVE for a day so
I'd have " some idea how to teach school". DUH!

When I presented a resume with my credentials and
experience, I was told I had to observe anyway.

This same district has been searching for a sped director
for months. I have yet to be able to schedule an
interview. Politics! That's your tax dollars at work.

A great way to treat someone who taught primarily sped BD
all those years.

So much for subing.
rw /blockquote>

Yeah, that "observe for a day" thing is just one of those
hoops you have to jump through. Really, what's the big deal?
Observe, then sub.

After all those years of teaching surely you've had to do a
million stupid, pointless things.
Jan 1, 2007

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