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    The Teacher Union endorsed Horsford after he said the majority of teachers supported getting rid of the color blind, gender neutral FAIR system for layoffs. Now CCSD can us their "Equity and Diversity" affirmative action garbage to further damage white males. Vote REPUBLICAN in FEDERAL RACES and DEMOCRAT in STATE RACES. Do not reward Sandoval and T...See More
    – Viewers of local television or the liberal press would think that Ballot Question 2: “Shall the Clark County School District be authorized to levy an additional property tax…?” is seemingly without opposition. Clark County School District (CCSD) would have you believe that only Scrooge- hearted cheapskates would deny our children repair o...See More
    Basic public education in Clark County is underfunded and $40 million towards innovation in 63 schools, less than one sixth of all schools in the district, makes no sense when basic educational needs for students are not being met. (The district will claim that because we did not sign on, they lost $40 million and the opportunity to hire 22 teacher...See More
    Just curious if CCSD pays moving costs at all ? I'm assuming it's no, but thought I'd ask.
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    surgeon to operate on you? Just wondering. Ahahahahha. nfm On 11/24/12, And all the TFA scabs want to "make a difference." wrote: > Yeppers, when someone has zero qualifications to teach, then they are > "passionate" about teaching and "really want to make a difference." > That is why when principals talk about their 21 year old know nothing > teachers, they describe their "young, energetic te...See More
    Nov 24, 2012
    Next Legislative Session Lying by Review-Urinal Expect it to get hot and heavy, no holds barred. These people are going to lie DAILY in the paper starting February 4th. So, hold on to your hats and get ready to BOYCOTT business that advertise in the Review-Urinal. The Journalistic Integrity disabled newspaper is already on the brink of ruin. Push them over the edge.

    On 11/24/12, surgeo...See More
    Nov 29, 2012
    I am in the process of getting my file completed and my specialist sent me an email about what is needed for the file. The email didn't include any info that I had to schedule a district interview. Is it because she forgot to inform me or is the district interview not required if I'm a new hire?
    Boise Brewser It is because these people are INCOMPETENT. Like most teachers who do not teach, but work as Project facilitators etc. They would not last a week in the private sector MERITOCRACY. Government work parasites.

    On 11/23/12, kinder wrote: > I am in the process of getting my file completed and my > specialist sent me an email about what ...See More
    Nov 24, 2012
    "His top priority is putting in place a teacher evaluation system that, using student achievement data, identifies instructors' strengths and weaknesses." This guy does not have a clue. How can you do this when half the teachers do not teach, or do not give measurable tests to base their evaluation on. What test are we going to use for band, orches...See More
    [link removed]

    Read the comments. Teachers have had enough.
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    Crooked Cops get free paid vacation, teachers, not. Why is it when a cop is accused of a crime they get a free paid vacation for 6 months and teachers are suspended without pay. I hope these two did not have any bills to pay, i.e. mortgage and car payment. If I lost everything I had because of false allegations, the person responsible would not find themselves to be in a pleasant situation. It took ...See More
    Nov 29, 2012
    They Want Public Education to Fail. On 11/25/12, anon wrote: > On 11/24/12, Justin Brecht - Teacher of the Year (at his > school) wrote: >> [link removed].

    They want public education to fail, so Jeb Bush and Bill Gates can open their private computer based schools paying some babysitter $18,000 a year to supervise the computer lab. Big bucks saved on salary and b...See More
    Nov 29, 2012
    Idiot Joe Schillmoeller: "we see teachers swarming hearings and demanding increases in pay, benefits and other goodies while the rest of society is taking it on the chin? There are many problems with the school system in this state - and teachers pay and outrageous benefits ARE part of the problem."

    Can anyone tell me which hearings were ...See More
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    anon I wish there was something that could be done about it. The situation for teachers in Nevada is downright dire and getting even worse than when I was there. I don't know how many teachers, good teachers, have told me about the constant harassment by principals.

    My last two principals should have been fired, but they were merely moved arou...See More
    Dec 6, 2012
    BLAME THE UNION. A lot of the problem lays at the feet of the Union. With 17,000 teachers, and the Union does not own the Board of Trustees? There is some sort of collusion going on for the union to throw the fight and let morons line Deanna Wright on the schools board. Notice the union was running ads against her and then they suddenly stopped? Some sort of deal w...See More
    Dec 13, 2012
    You won't believe what some students brought to share during classroom Show & Tell! Click below to read the gems mined from a Teachers.Net Chatboard when teachers were asked to share their most unforgettable Show and Tell experiences.

    [link removed]]
    I was pressured to resign mid-year due to a parental complaint about touching a student (I was rushed at the entrance, and I grabbed frantically to make order out of chaos - but then let go). No complaints were ever filed with the State. Let out of my contract. Nothing on my certificate.

    Now, I can make up a story? Should I? Any feedback w...See More
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    to anon (off-topic) On 1/09/13,

    If anon is who I think it is, I saw your post on Diane Ravitch's blog-- bravo! BOOOOO many times over to Michelle Rhee. Diane Ravitch should have been Secretary of Education.

    anon wrote: > On 1/08/13, Geezer wrote: >> On 1/08/13, Are you guilty or not? wrote: >>> On 12/15/12, Geezer wrote: >>>...See More
    yesterday, 2013
    anon I totally agree with you. What a disaster Rhee and Duncan are.

    On 1/09/13, to anon (off-topic) wrote: > On 1/09/13, > > If anon is who I think it is, I saw your post on Diane Ravitch's blog-- > bravo! BOOOOO many times over to Michelle Rhee. Diane Ravitch should > have been Secretary of Education. > > > > > ...See More
    yesterday, 2013

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