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FROM OUR READERS To the editor:

I have heard the words “taxes” and “education” used in the same sentence so often that they seem to go together like love and marriage. Raise the mining tax for education. A gross receipts tax and a property tax for education. If you add the words “for education” to any tax, how could anyone possibly be opposed to that? If any legislator stands in opposition to a tax “for education,” he or she will be will be considered a pariah for having little concern for “the children.”

It wasn’t always like this. There was a time when you didn’t hear as much about funding for education. It happened locally, and parents were concerned. You would think that reading, writing and arithmetic were different then, because now more than 30 percent of the students who finish high school are nearly illiterate. We have built a huge bureaucracy, beginning with the U.S. Department of Education, that seems to have forgotten what its purpo...See More

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