NV Teachers
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Fellow Teachers:

When I read the email from the anti-union group NPRI, I had to ask myself why they care or what is their agenda in trying to get teachers to drop their membership in CCEA. Could it be that the woman in charge of Human Recourses for CCSD has a relationship with one of the leaders of this group? What is their stake in this? They claim that they want you to drop so you can keep the dues you pay and spend them on something that benefits you. REALLY?? I see nowhere in the email where they tell you what will happen to you if CCEA goes away.

It has been very clear over that last few years that CCSD has been trying to take away protections that teachers have won. Here is what CCSD WILL do if they get the chance:

1. Stop all increases for education 2. Change your health insurance to a for-profit company 3. Make your ability to keep your job based on the proficiency scores of the students in your school 4. Change the observation process so you have n...See More
anon As long as Nevada is a "right-to-work" state, teachers are screwed over no matter what.

The associations in Nevada are basically worthless in protecting teachers from the capricious antics of administrators.

Unless, of course, you have family connections with a district.

On 6/05/13, CCEA is not the greatest, but it is ...See More
Jun 5, 2013
If Everyone Joined, Maybe we could do something. On 6/05/13, anon wrote: > As long as Nevada is a "right-to-work" state, teachers are > screwed over no matter what.

Sandoval dumped the Rhee-Tards. That is a victory and step in right direction.

> > The associations in Nevada are basically worthless in > protecting teachers from the capricious antics of > admin...See More
Jun 5, 2013
anon I am very glad they helped you. WEA was no help to me, not even telling me of filing a complaint with EEOC, and was too busy cutting deals with the district in order to help its idiot administrators.

On 6/05/13, If Everyone Joined, Maybe we could do something. wrote: > On 6/05/13, anon wrote: >> As long as Nevada is a "right-to-w...See More
Jun 5, 2013
Brinley 1 1/2 On 6/05/13, anon wrote:

> I am very glad they helped you. WEA was no help to me, not even

> telling me of filing a complaint with EEOC, and was too busy cutting

> deals with the district in order to help its idiot administrators.

Under Uncle Walt, CCEA and CCSD were in collusion. Dwight Jones ruined t...See More
Jun 6, 2013

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