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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Whomever came up with this basing the eval on student test scores is an idiot. Tell me how they are going to write the evals of all the girlfriends who got hooked up with desk jobs? I had a student miss 41 days of school last year? You think it is going to fly firing me because of this kid's test scores? If you get fired, file a lawsuit and ask why all of these SPED teachers with desk jobs still have their jobs. There is a FEDERAL LAWSUIT over this garbage in Florida. If you teach SPED. Kids who are in diapers and bicycle helmets, and your eval is going to be based on their test scores? What jury is going to believe that garbage?
anon I know of a bunch of them I worked with in Washoe who got their jobs through family and friend connections who are now working at desk jobs or moved into schools that are four- or five-star (they have a silly rating system there thanks to sup Martinez). They think they will never be evaluated unlike those "idiots" in schools. However, once those t...See More
Sep 1, 2013
Girlfriend Hook-up Jobs On 9/01/13, anon wrote:

> I know of a bunch of them I worked with in Washoe who got

> their jobs through family and friend connections who are now

> working at desk jobs or moved into schools that are four- or

> five-star (they have a silly rating system there thanks to

> sup Martinez). ...See More
Sep 2, 2013

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