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We decided to play a game;It is called "who is the principalgoing to pick on today? So all of the third grade teachers decided to show up one minute late for a meeting. Out of the 5 teachers one was called into the office to talk to the principal. One week later we played the same game, but this time we decided to show up one minute late to pick up the kids from lunch. Once again out of the 5 the same teacher was called in. None of the other teachers were ever spoken to for showing up late.

I would be more than happy to cite other incidents where the principal picks on certain teachers.............
taco On 10/23/13, justified wrote: > We decided to play a game;It is called "who is the > principalgoing to pick on today? So all of the third grade > teachers decided to show up one minute late for a meeting. > Out of the 5 teachers one was called into the office to > talk to the principal. One week later we played the same > game, bu...See More
Oct 24, 2013

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