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    Hello, I was wondering do you get your job after your processing event is over or do you get the job only after you complete your ATAS examination? Thank you very much.
    eve324 You only need proof that you signed up to take the test for your processing event.
    Jan 26, 2018
    Was there any type of drug screening in the process of becoming a sub Para?
    Hello everyone. I am in the process of becoming a sub-para too. I have completed most of the required steps, like the written/oral test, workshops, fingerprints, ATAS, created teach account, and have been processed and completed orientation about 9 days ago. Does anyone know what is the next step from here?
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    upc89 Hi, Have you both heard anything as of yet ??
    Jan 23, 2018
    NIceNIce I received my congrats email the evening of the 22nd. Good Luck!
    Jan 25, 2018
    Hello, my processing date is on the 28th and my last DASA part 2 is on the 29th. Is there a way to extend or reschedule your processing date? What would happen if you fail to have everything by your processing date? Do you get another choice to pick a date or is 30 days the limit?
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    explore first You do not need to reschedule just take in your proof of completing part 1 and the email stating when you will complete part 2.
    Jan 24, 2018
    explore first It states as long as you have proof of registering you are good.
    Jan 24, 2018
    Hello, I took my assessment test (oral and written) on December 27, 2017

    but so far i didn't receive a answer email. Is there any body in same situation. It has been long time. I asked by email to DOE but no answer. What should i do?
    upc89 There definately was a answer, have you checked the candidate portal aka Teachersupportnetwork ? the answer will always be there for most issues.
    Jan 23, 2018
    explore first Emails were sent out earlier this evening containing your EIS number.
    Jan 24, 2018
    Hello I'm in the process of becoming a sub para my processing/orientation is on the 29th and my second part to my DASA workshop is the 24th I've been finger printed and everything is is done does anyone know how long does it take for the finger prints to come back ? And is there anyway we can find out or would know ??
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    upc89 Sorry, i was mistaken on the post.. The fingerprints actually come back within 24 hours. i Just took mine and was told that from the woman who did my prints.
    Jan 23, 2018
    explore first Many83, you can take your DASA with DOE for $50. Part 1 is online and when you are finished you will get an email to where you have to go for part 2.
    Jan 24, 2018
    What happens to a candidates nomination when that individual has failed one of the tests in the hiring process, causing them to not be hired? Is that nomination eligible to be given to someone else, or is it canceled all together?
    explore first It had stated that if you fail to continue the process you have to wait 12 months to be considered again.
    Jan 24, 2018
    Hey everyone, Unfortunately I missed the nomination window back in November. Does anyone know or want to guess when it will open again? Even if the window is closed is it possible for a principle you know to still get you in sort of speak?
    eve324 No idea...just have to keep a look out because there is no way for a principle to get you in
    Jan 24, 2018
    My high school students want to know what kind of operation I'm having and why I'm going to be absent. I am not terminal. I will be cured, but I do have to have a serious operation. Would it be appropriate to tell my high school students because they're asking? How should I handle this?
    Hello, does anyone know when the nominations will open again for sub para and how long do the nominations stay open for?
    explore first Unfortunately there is no answer to your question. It's been about 2 years before it opened in November. My suggestion to you is, "If you know a principal or anyone that works in the DOE let them know you are interested and if so can they keep you in mind." I was lucky that my mom works for DOE and my HS principal nominated me.
    Jan 13, 2018

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