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Hello I am done with my processing event and now waiting for them to confirm. I have my ATAS exam next month and wondering can I still be a sub para even if I fail my exam? Or is the exam more so for to become a full time? And last question since I have a family and need to think over, do full time paraprofessional get the same wage as sub para professionals? Thanks you so much whoever can reply.
eve324 Passing is one of the requirements to maintain your status as a sub along with subbing for 20 days but I would not worry because it is not difficult.
Feb 6, 2018
eve324 Subs don't get benefits and the rate per day is 147.35
Feb 6, 2018
DM329 Buy the practice exam for $20. It's very similar to the actual test.
Feb 7, 2018

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