NY Teachers
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It leads to a page that starts with this:

Latest buzz on the New York Teachers Chatboard...

Browse the latest 25 posts from the New York Teachers Chatboard:

Re: Substitute teacher suspended pending hearing, 3/28/17, by Kat.

New to this forum, 3/24/17, by Kevin Chin.

Re: do teachers need 100 or 175 of pd every 5 years?, 3/06/17, by teachermiss.

do teachers need 100 or 175 of pd every 5 years?, 3/04/17, by sam.

175pd hours to keep my professional license? , 2/28/17, by Nyc teacher .

And which then continues on for 30 more posts.

The old link should redirect to the new index page and not the old index page.

Here is another old URL which also results in the old index page instead of redirecting to the new one:


Also, you should try a Google search for "New York Teachers Chatboard" to see what's coming up.

Teacher Chatboards


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