Here is some help! We suggest going over the questions several times. You should do this a number of times until you feel comfortable with all questions.
Time is the single most common fault that all test takers have trouble with. If you are familar with these study questions and know them well you will save time without knowing it.
Make sure you pace yourself during the test. Keep track of how much time you have used not how much is left.
Usually two choices can be eliminated from each question.
If you can not eliminate any answers skip this question and come back to it.
When required to read a passage such as in the lab questions you should scan/skim the passage to get a vague impression then read the questions. You will be surprised at how some answers come to you very quickly.
Do not guess. Eliminate 1-2 choices then "pick" out the best choice. You should be willing to bet money on this choice.
Scientific sounding answers are better than slang sounding answers.
Avoid extreme statements such as answers with these key words always...never...completely...
If the answers contain two answers that are opposite from each other then one of these is usually correct.
These are some sample TIPS and you can get the rest of the TIPS from [link removed]
We have a comfortable 3 bed home in a leafy London suburb, looking for a U.S. home exchange for vacation, during July/August this summer, 2003. Car exchange available. We are High school Heads of Department and experienced house exchangers. Hope to hear from you. Please copy to friends who may be interested. Thanks.
I am a teacher in Augusta, Georgia (USA). Would any of you be interested in participating in an international postcard exchange OR would you be willing to host our FLAT STANLEY? Please let me know... your help would be greatly appreciated!
Hello, If you have not already found an exchange to join, I would love to have you join my exchange. It is international. It will include all 50 states. As of now, Peru, Germany, Canada, United Kingdom and Poland have joined also. If you are interested, please email me your name and address. THANK YOU! :o)
Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington DC, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
The International Post Card Exchange is up and running! We have a number of participants. We have representation for a vast number of US sites (with the exception of the above listed states). Internationally, the response has been phenomenal!! International representation has been received from several parts of Canada, Germany, Mexico, Singapore, Poland, UK, and Australia. Several US states have not yet joined. If you live in one of the following states, please join and become a part of this WONDERFUL experience!
We are Australia's first and only online directory where teachers wishing to organise a teaching exchange or holiday swap can register their details. Each exchange or holiday swap is displayed as a mini "web page" complete with photo albums and relevant information. You can spend hours reading the different profiles, viewing photos and visiting links to teacher exchange and holiday swap locations all over the world. Check us out on the link below!
My wife and I are both teachers in the St. Louis area. I am a Music Educator and she is a Gifted Instructor. We would like to move to the Portland Area to be closer to family. However, there are many considerations. We would like to know what your opinions are on the school districts the Portland area has to offer. By the time we move, we will be needing jobs, obviously. Also, we will have had our baby. Which school district(s) do you highly recommend? How would you rank each one? Keeping in mind we will be living on teacher salaries, what are some good, but affordable suburbs with excellent opportunities? Along with teaching, I love fishing, golfing, camping, sports and don't want to be too far away from those things. Do you have any su
Thank you very to the person who let me know the conditions in Portland. Missouri has reached tough times too. 12 St. Louis public schools have been shut down completely. Fortunately, my wife and I are still in work. We are not planning on moving to the Portland area for a ocuple of years, but we are starting to look around. Some areas that are of interest to us are: Astoria, Scappaase, St. Helens, Hillsboro, Warrenton, and Seaside. Any input?
Thank you very to the person who let me know the conditions in Portland. Missouri has reached tough times too. 12 St. Louis public schools have been shut down completely. Fortunately, my wife and I are still in work. We are not planning on moving to the Portland area for a ocuple of years, but we are starting to look around. Some areas that are of interest to us are: Astoria, Scappaase, St. Helens, Hillsboro, Warrenton, and Seaside. Any input?
We are ready to leave the big city and the horrible heat here (108 for days on end but wait! it should cool down this weekend to 105!) Love the Oregon coast and actually have money to move. We'd like a place with something to look at (water, river, trees) and figure that the people will be the same as the folks here--nice, friendly, interesting. Any suggestions?
On 7/30/03, Mary T Dennis wrote: > HELP! I don't have very long to study for the Social > Studies test. Any help on good refresher resources is > greatly appreciated. I found that state and national standards are a good study guide for PRAXIS tests.
Thank you very to the person who let me know the conditions in
Portland. Missouri has reached tough times too. 12 St. Louis
public schools have been shut down completely. Fortunately, my
wife and I are still in work. We are not planning on moving to
the Portland area for a ocuple of years, but we are startin...See More