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I'm a writer, and I'm presently revising my December
release, which is about a teacher in Oregon who has quit
her teaching position after teaching for two years in order
to have corneal surgery and then go to grad school. I have
two questions.

(1.) What sort of health insurance do teachers in Oregon
have, and if they quit their jobs, are they able to get
extended health coverage for a period of time, i.e., Cobra
or an equivalent sort of coverage?

(2.) What is the usual beginning wage for a teacher in

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give me.

Thankful /blockquote>

I can't help you out on the first question but here is a link
to a salary schedule for the second largest school district
in Oregon. Many district websites post the salary schedule.
Check out the COSA website at [link removed]...

On 5/21/03, Catherine wrote:
> I'm a writer, and I'm presently rev...See More
Jun 26, 2003

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