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I teach three sections of Classroom Structure/Behavior
Management at a small college and I am looking for early
childhood (primary) classroom
teachers who are willing to participate in an "e" project
in the fall
semester, becoming an e-pal with one of my pre-service
teachers, discussing
classroom management strategies/philosophies/approaches
that work/have not
worked in your classroom. This would involve between 4-6 e-
mail responses
to my students about classroom management. At the end of
the project, I
would also like to know if this experience has been useful
to you
(reflective, metacognitive??).
Want to be an e-pal for a semester??
Leah /blockquote>

Maybe - tell me more about it. I live in Bend, OR.

May 23, 2002
jo /blockquote>

I am also interested. I teach first grade.
Jun 22, 2002

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