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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I am 33 years old and have come to a point in my life
where I want to have a job that I really LIKE. When I was
in my early 20s I attended Penn State as an Elem. Ed
major. I took 60 credits and could not afford to stay in
school so I went to work instead.

Now I am living in Oregon and my mind keeps reverting back
to teaching. I was thinking about taking up the Early
Childhood program at the Portland Community College. They
had two different certifications, and a 2 year degree.

This would allow me to get out and work in the field
relatively quickly (and who knows what might transfer from
Penn State) as well as the credits could then be used to
go for an Elementary degree later on, if I chose that

I was looking for some input into the field and some
things that I should think about before making this
decision. Any words of wisdom would be helpful.
LCruz /blockquote>

I recently graduated from Pacific University, many of my
classmates were older (35-57 years) and they were in the
exact situation as you are. Today, they are all done and
living the lives they have always wanted.

Go for it! Follow your passion for teaching....I guarantee
you will be fulfilled. ...See More
Mar 20, 2004

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