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HA HA HA MEasure 28 WENT DOWN!!! Live within your means!!!
No more scare tactics!! Dont make the taxpayer suffer - we
are on to your game Signed , A TEACHER!!!! Yea, can you
believe that, a teacher who does not let the union think for
rather not say at this time /blockquote>

On 1/30/03, Know the truth wrote:
> HA HA HA MEasure 28 WENT DOWN!!! Live within your
> No more scare tactics!! Dont make the taxpayer suffer - we
> are on to your game Signed , A TEACHER!!!! Yea, can you
> believe that, a teacher who does not let the union think
> her...See More
Jan 30, 2003
Concerned Parent /blockquote>

No matter what you voted, our schools are in a sorry state
right now. I just returned from our district's board meeting
and it is VERY scary. To laugh at this, no matter what you
voted, is more than being insensitive. It's horrible.
Feb 11, 2003

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