Hi there, I'm potentially looking to move from Los Angeles to RI to continue my teaching career. I am fond of southern RI and may be pursuing a PhD at URI, so would like to search schools in the Kingston, Wakefield, PeaceDale area. I've been to the ridoe web-site and have found lots of info, but no demographic info. I prefer urban, highly diverse schools (I know RI is different than So. Cal.) and wonder if any of you could give me any info about the area. I've got NY and CA credentials in Special Ed, Elem. Ed and a Reading/Lang. Arts specialist credential on the way. Thank you in advance for any info you can share, the more candid the better!!
Hello. I have a question about Rhode Island Beginning Teacher Standards. I am writting a paper for college and the main focus is on standard number 9 assessment; teachers use a variety of formal and informal assessment strategies to support continuous development of the learner. Can anyone give me specific formal and informal strategies teachers might use. Examples, student portfolios, student work and interviews. Thank you.
A special Rain Forest Conservation Camp has been designed for teachers from February 15 - 21, 2004 and other dates, to be held in CostaRica.
Proyecto Campanario is a non-profit organization which offers field courses in tropical ecology and research facilities. We are interested in contacting the person of your institution who would be interested in bringing students to our Biological Reserve in Peninsula de Osa, Costa Rica.
You are also invited to visit our web site and learn more about us and our educational programs, [link removed]
Klaus Vanselow, Representative Campanario Biological Reserve E-mail: [email removed]
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I have recently obtained my California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. Due to family obligations I will moving back to the Rhode Island area. Does anyone know of any possible jobs for the 2004-2005 school year?
If you have lived in RI before you know we have a multitude of school districts. You will need to contact each one separately to find out about job openings. Right now most districts are concentrating on seeing if they can keep current staff as the state has indicated no increase in state aide for the next school year. You have time as most districts will not be hiring for several months (when the city and state budgets are set) and they know how much money there will be.
Hey Rob, I am also getting my California teaching credential and thinking about moving back...
Shannon [email removed]
On 1/08/04, Rob Kass wrote: > I have recently obtained my California Multiple Subject > Teaching Credential. Due to family obligations I will > moving back to the Rhode Island area. Does anyone know of > any possible jobs for the 2004-2005 school year? > > Thank you
My name is Nikki. I am a student at Ball State University, and I work for their Outreach Programs office. Every academic year we do 4 electronic field trips (6 next year due to increased interest and registration).
These programs are for elementary, middle, and high school. Each program is 90 min. long. It's an educational, live TV program. You receive curriculum materials to participate with the program. There is also a toll free number and web forum to ask questions during the program.
This year we have over 15 million registered viewers. The program costs $75 per show (to cover our costs, mainly satellite broadcast time). However, since Best Buy is sponsoring us, there is no cost to you if you mark Best Buy scholarship on your registration. All who apply for the scholarship receive it.
I've received great feedback from teachers at low income and rural schools that don't have access to resources we provide. We still have 2 remaining programs for this school year. If you are interested in learning more, check out our webpage, [link removed].
Closing the Gap/NCLB/GEAR UP: "From High School to College, Boarding Pass to Success," book that will motivate Latino, African-American, other minorities and underprivileged students and help them to succeed in High School and in their race for College.
Information is power; sadly, even today, in the high tech information era, we can see that many kids (minorities or not) in low-income neighborhoods do not get beyond high school basically for lack of information and motivation.
Both inspirational and informative, this book traces the successful journey of a first generation Hispanic family in what represents for them "the land of opportunities," the USA, and their struggle to bring their children into Ivy League universities against all odds. If these children were able to do it, every child that follows their path can succeed. By encouraging the goal of getting a college degree in order to have a better life and to give a better life to your own kids, by showing that caressing a dream that can come true, that pursuing a goal that can be reached will definitely make a positive impact in their lives.
The story is complemented with practical information: A five-page detailed chart, "The Landmarks Along the Road," that shows, step by step, what needs to be done throughout the four years of high school, indicating not only deadlines, but approximate starting dates which will allow students to complete each step on time; an extensive list of useful URLs of sites with free practice tests, and a section on how, and where get funding for college.
Since the book details, step by step, what they need to do in high school to prepare for college, it can be assigned as a required reading in the summer between middle school and high school, or in the summer of the freshman year, when they still have time to close the gap so no child is left behind.
For further information or READ SOME CHAPTERS go to: [link removed]
There are a couple of ways in which you can encourage your students to read the book: including it in the reading lists, so they buy it and read it, designate some of the "Gear Up" funds to purchase it for the minority and low income neighborhoods kids who cannot afford it.
Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Hi! I am graduating from Stonehill College in May and I'm moving home to R.I. I am looking for an Early Childhood teaching job(Pre-K-2) in R.I. I would really appericate any suggestions you could give me. Thank you, Colleen McCann
Just started work in a kindergarten in Japan. I have very little experience at this level, and I was wondering if anyone knows of any good websites or resource centres for songs, activities, stories and lesson planning. Any advice would also be gratefully recieved!!
I am looking for details of the 2004 RICTE award for young student writers-or email contact information of someone who can provide details of the awards presentation time, place, etc. Thanks.