Just a note to let you know I have more than fifty classic short stories at my site. These are public domain stories for you to use as you like and include many classics for teenagers ("The Scarlet Ibis" and several by Poe.) I also have lots of writing prompts. Hope the site is useful to you.
I am very much interested in communicating with other middle school teachers. I teach 7th grade science and 8th grade history. I also coach boys basketball.
I am interested in finding like minded people to share a few ideas and resources. I teach in Pennsylvania, suburban Philadelphia. I am very much interested in relocating to RI. was hoping to be enlightened about teaching in your state.
If there is anyone out there familiar with the private school environment. I need some information .
The National Substitute Teachers Alliance, NSTA, is a nonprofit national sub teacher advocacy organization. Our supporters and members include retired teachers, substitutes, parents, current contract teachers, and community leaders. We advocate for training, professional development of this work force; improved certification standards and mentoring. NSTA also believes that in order to retain qualified substitutes that wages must be adequate and benefits must be granted. NSTA offers its members and supporters (and their dependents), a markedly discounted NATIONAL prescription drug plan which is now posted at our website. Please visit us at: [link removed])
Artifact Exhibits...Archaeology Activities...Photographic Displays, and more.... Meet archaeologists from museums, colleges, archaeological societies, and cultural resource companies.
........................................................... SOCIAL STUDIES LECTURE/DISCUSSION: (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM) - Revolutionary War Archaeology for Social Studies Educators -
**'Cabins and Command: George Washington and the Hutting of the Continental Army at Valley Forge' A talk to be presented by David G. Orr, National Park Service Archaeologist and Research Professor of Anthropology, Temple University.
*** 'How Can This Archaeology be Used in the classroom?' : An Audience Participation Discussion Educators will explore this topic sharing their professional expertise with one another and with a group of education-oriented archaeologists (teaching them about the kinds of resources educators want and need!).
DEMONSTRATION ROOM : (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM) - The Tools of the Archaeologist - The archaeological uses of survey equipment (GPS - Global Positioning System, transit, and the compass), underwater gear, microscope use for pollen analysis and faunal (animal bone) analysis, etc. Also Displays of Archaeology and Education Program materials (e.g., Archaeology and African American History).
PRESENTATIONS : (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM) A Passion For Archaeology: An underwater archaeologist, archaeology professor, amateur archaeologist, and an archaeologist who works with the Native American community will describe 'Why they do, What they do', followed by a question and answer session. ....................................
WHERE AND WHEN: The Society for Historical Archaeology's COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE --- Bring your family and friends!!! Saturday, January 18, 2003 1 PM - 4 PM The Westin Hotel, One West Exchange Street, (Downtown), Providence, Rhode Island
For additional information please contact: Patrice L. Jeppson at (215) 563-9262 ([email removed])
I'm conducting a one question survey. If you have taken the Praxis II Content Knowledge Exam in your discipline, did you find the exam valid? Yes or No and Why or why not? This information will be used to determine whether or not to use this exam as a measure of content knowledge for teachers applying for advanced compensation. We already have portfolio and performance measurements, but we are trying to determine which exam would be appropriate to get an objective measure of content knowledge.
July 7-11, 2003. "Reclaiming Connections: Caring, Trust and Social Justice in Schools and Communities".
A Summer Institute in Cambridge, Mass. sponsored by the Center for Peaceable Schools at Lesley University.
Practical solutions and hands-on practice for educators, parents and community members engaged in creating alternatives to a culture of disconnection and injustice. What role does the teaching of social justice play in the creation of strong and caring communities? How can we develop trust across the differences that so often divide us? What are the components of a truly caring classroom? How can we rethink and relearn the messages we receive from the larger culture about how to resolve conflict? What does it mean to teach peace instead of teaching war? Keynotes this year include educator Nel Noddings and performance artist Michael Fowlin. 30 PDPs. $450.
For more information: Lucy Patton, Institute Coordinator [email removed]
Center for Peaceable Schools at Lesley University 29 Everett St. Cambridge, MA 02138 617-349-8669 or
Hello, I am looking for a friend who was a teacher in the Rhode Island area. His name is Richard Price, he is a band director and trumpet player. If anyone knows him or where he is at please have him contact me at: [email removed]