Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington DC, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
The International Post Card Exchange is up and running! We have a number of participants. We have representation for a vast number of US sites (with the exception of the above listed states). Internationally, the response has been phenomenal!! International representation has been received from several parts of Canada, Germany, Mexico, Singapore, Poland, UK, and Australia. Several US states have not yet joined. If you live in one of the following states, please join and become a part of this WONDERFUL experience!
We are an established exchange looking for replacements for members who do not plan to return for the 2003-2004 exchange.
If you want to hear more about this first, I'd love to tell you about the exchange. We make it quick and easy. We have helpful hints. And I provide the mailing list in a labels format so you can print the labels out on stickers and quickly stick them onto your postcards.
We would REALLY like to have your state represented in our postcard exchange. If you are interested please email me. It really is a fun teaching tool. The kids love it.
We are a new postcard exchange, and we need a kinder, first, or second grade class from Rhode Island to participate. You will need to purchase 50-55 postcards to mail to all of the other states (and maybe a few to Canada). I am compiling all of the information, and will send all of the addresses out as soon as all of the "spots" are filled. In return, you will receive a postcard from every state, all throughout the year. This is a very exciting project! Please join us!
Teachers, If you are looking for an internet project to get involved in this year, please check this out. It will begin the first week of October and run through February. It will tie Social Studies and Science curriculum together through comparing community and weather data. I have done this project in the past, students enjoy it and they learn a great deal. Use the link to see the details, if you are interested please leave your information at the site on the 'i note! If you see that someone from your state has joined, that is okay. We can have multiple participants from the same state. If you have any further questions email me. Thanks, Terry Stoufer Project Coordinator
Please join our International Post Card Exchange! We have participants from Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Guam, Poland, and a host of other international locations.
We want to have participants from each state in the US. If you live in one of the following states and would like to participate, please email me ASAP! Thank You
We need: Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, D.C., Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
I am the membership secretary for the New England Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers and I am looking for physics teachers to add to our mailing list for upcoming conferences. If you teach physics or know someone who does, please email me and let me know your information (Name, school, address, email) so that I can add you to our list.