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    Living Life as You Always Dreamed Imagine Living the Life
    You Always dreamed now create it as you read this book!
    Learn how to shift your focus from the 8 common
    distractions to a more positive approach. Discover tools to
    create what you choose to experience rather than that you
    don’t want. Whether you...See More

    Living Life as You Always Dreamed Imagine Living the Life
    You Always dreamed now create it as you read this book!
    Learn how to shift your focus from the 8 common
    distractions to a more positive approach. Discover tools to
    create what you choose to experience rather than that you
    don’t want. Whether you...See More

    Living Life as You Always Dreamed Imagine Living the Life
    You Always dreamed now create it as you read this book!
    Learn how to shift your focus from the 8 common
    distractions to a more positive approach. Discover tools to
    create what you choose to experience rather than that you
    don’t want. Whether you...See More

    We REALLY want and need a teacher from SD to complete our
    postcard exchange. Please consider joining us! Email me
    with your school address ASAP to join. Hope to hear from
    you soon. Shirley in Illinois

    I am a 1st grade teacher from Louisiana and our Flat
    Stanley needs a host from South Dakota. If you can be a
    host, please email me your address.
    Brandy M. ([email removed])

    Just checking to see if any of the wonderful teachers in
    the Estelline School District ever visit this site.

    It's my home town.
    view previous comments
    Ron Saathoff /blockquote>

    Was browsing and found this link to Estelline.
    I graduated from Estelline in 1967 and over the years, have been very
    impressed with the quality education I received there. My favorite
    teacher ever was Mrs. Clark. Still remember sitting in her class
    room. I have very fond memories of EHS and will treasure them...See More
    Feb 14, 2003
    mah /blockquote>

    Mrs. Clarke just happens to be my mother. I believe that she was a
    favorite of many students. We miss her so much since she passed away.
    But I hope that I am able to reach my students just a little like she
    Nice to see someone else who remembers Estelline post here too.

    Mary Ann

    ...See More
    Feb 14, 2003

    I am a first year teacher preparing my Native American
    Day/Columbus Day Unit. I am looking for some ideas, sites,
    or whatever. Thanks
    Connie in Aberdeen

    I am a first year kindergarten teacher preparing my Native
    American Day/Columbus Day Unit. I am looking for some
    ideas, sites, or whatever. Thanks
    Connie in Aberdeen

    Please email me with your name and address if you are

    Great resources for all teachers:

    All online,easy and certified through Cal State, Fullerton.

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