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Hello everyone,

Over the last year or two I recall several people posting
about their
experiences with the internet-based program, Headsprout
Early Reading.
In fact I think I was one of them -- we tried the free
scholarships at my
school two years ago, with outstanding results, and
followed that up by
purchasing accounts for a number of high-needs kids in
Grade 1 plus some
ELL kids in Grades 2 and 3 last year. Again, Headsprout
proved to be a
tremendous catalyst to the kids' reading -- not only their
skills, but
(most important in the long run), their enthusiasm about
reading and their
self-perception as good readers. Even the most struggling
kids made a
lot of progress and LOVED to read -- they took home books
every night and
there was lots of book-sharing and book-talk in the
classroom. One of
our teachers remarked that this was the first year that
every single
child ...See More
Chris /blockquote>

We used the Scholarship from Head Sprout this year
with our at risk Title I/Special Ed. students. We teach with
Saxon Phonics and Accelerated Reading along with our
Houghton Mifflin Reading Series. The Head Sprouts work
well with junior high school students coming into the room
on a daily basis to listen to t...See More
May 31, 2007

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