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I'm an English teacher in France and I'm thinking of applying for a one-year exchange with an American colleague. Since the school administration in the region where I live has a partnership with Utah, I was wondering if I could find on a website like this one an interested colleague (French teacher in Utah) since applicants for such exchanges have a better chance of being selected if they have already found a partner. If you happen to know a French teacher who may be interested in a one-year exchange, could you please send me his/her mail ? Interested people can browse the fulbright website but you must be quick because the deadline for American applications is October 15th ! Thanks.
Nathalie Nicente sorry I never replied; I'm now reading my old post and your answer; here is my late answer although it may be useless by now ! I actually do not know where such lists are available but you must have an equivalent to our schools administration in your state that should know about it; Because (but not only) my application to the Fulbright exchange pr...See More
Mar 27, 2014
Jen Bonjour,

I'm a teacher in California and I want to do an exchange in the future. Do you know if there is a list of which regions have connections with certain states? If there a website that lists connections, please let me know. I spent 3 years near Lille and would love to return, but perhaps California has a connection with a different r...See More
yesterday, 2012

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