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Is there anyone out there who would like to help get an online petition out to rid Investigations from LCPS? Would like to get teachers and parents together to strategize how to remove this failed program. Too many teachers are being forced to teach something they know is detrimental to the children. They are afraid of losing their jobs if they speak up. This is not what should be happening. Will the Loudoun Education Association help in this regard? Any thoughts out there? How about the School Board. Do they really know that the teachers are forced to teach what doesn't work? I believe that parents and teachers really do have the power to make a change for the good of the children. We need a place to discuss / meet / then approach the board. Maybe pickets outside of schools to raise public awareness. The time is now to make this change.
People did this Two years ago parents did make a Math Investigation petition in Loudoun . Teachers and parents did sign it. Teachers emailed school board members to share their concerns. I had many school board members contact me. Most sb members agreed the program should not be forced all over the county. Hence, why some schools only do a "blended" approach now. ...See More
Sep 6, 2009

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