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Hi. I'm a sub in the FCPS system. This is way off-topic, but I'm taking this class to try to finally (I'm in my 50's now) finish up my undergrad. degree in English and become a teacher, so it's just barely relevant. :) I'm interested in hearing from anyone local who has had unexplained mysterious things happen to them. Also, I'm interested in collecting personal stories about La Llorona. If I don't use your account for my paper, I could still submit it to my professor's folklore archive (anonymously, if you'd desire) for future use by researchers. Please contact me via the link above. Thank you.

One other thing...I used to live in a house on Janneys Lane (used to be 502, but it's now listed as 512) and have always wondered if anyone had any eerie experiences in it. I never did, but it always gave me the creeps. There's another home on the corner of King Street and Janneys Lane that used to be a civil war hospital (the soldiers wrote messages on the wall) and I've wondered the ...See More

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