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I teach at a K-2 school that has just implemented RtI and the use of progress monitoring for Tier 2. We have to use a curriculum based measurement but many of us do not care for DIBELS. We would like something more kid and teacher friendly that aligns with what we teach, when we teach it. We are interested in PALS but only know about it by their website and we would love some info on using it. Does it provide benchmarking and monitoring of students every 2-3 weeks in specific areas (initial sounds, segmentation, blending...) If you can offer any info, we would greatly appreciate it! Thank you!
K teacher ALS is given at the beginning and end of kindergarten with specific benchmarks. It's the same test except for the concept of word portion but the benchmarks are different. You can give it mid year also but there are no benchmarks for that time. After that, the testing goes from spring to spring so only the kids in grades 1-2 who weren't tested last...See More
Oct 24, 2009

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