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I'm hoping to finally get to move to southeastern VA, and am looking for some tips about elementary schools/districts in this area. I know that there are job cuts everywhere these days, but am wondering how much this has affected elementary teacher position openings in the districts around Hampton Roads and VA in general. If anyone teaches in a school there and can give any helpful info, I appreciate it greatly.
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George On 11/22/09, desert^teacher wrote: > I'm hoping to finally get to move to southeastern VA, and am > looking for some tips about elementary schools/districts in > this area. I know that there are job cuts everywhere these > days, but am wondering how much this has affected elementary > teacher position openings in the districts around...See More
Nov 22, 2009
desert^teacher Thank you so much for sharing...I've heard about the same as what you were sharing, but wanted to get a view from someone in the area. Do districts there post new positions open around March-April? Is it kosher to visit schools and talk with principals, or do they prefer you only apply and go through human resources? Anything else that would help g...See More
Nov 22, 2009
profesora I teach on the peninsula in one of the districts I mentioned there (will leave it unstated which one) but morale at my current school is not good and my district has cut a lot of positions for this year and there may be more coming, as well as cutting teacher supplies like limiting paper for copies, etc. for the first time ever I can recall here. I...See More
Nov 26, 2009
profesora Apply through HR - don't go visiting schools at least for the peninsula districts (and more than likely the others as well.) Go online and check out their current openings, then if a particular place looks interesting I'd hop onto and ask about that particular school and see what feedback you get...
Nov 26, 2009
Joe Burns On 11/22/09, desert^teacher wrote: > I'm hoping to finally get to move to southeastern VA, and am > looking for some tips about elementary schools/districts in > this area. I know that there are job cuts everywhere these > days, but am wondering how much this has affected elementary > teacher position openings in the districts around...See More
Nov 28, 2009

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