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I am a graduate student in secondary education. My undergrad. was just in art. I have virtually zero teaching experience. Right now I am taking a curriculum class and the teacher wants use to give an entire curriculum for the school year. We have to do a horizontal map and block plan for each day/week. I have so many ideas, but there is no way I can do this in a couple weeks time. Does anyone have a sample curriculum with lesson plans for either high school or middle they could give me to use as a guide? I have lessons I would like to do, I just don't even know where to start with this little amt. of time and this is not the only thing on my plate. I would so appreciate any help. Most of the curriculum stuff I have found online are just basic such as "Unit on 2-D art". My issue is coming up with an entire years worth of lessons, keeping in mind standards for a state I am not even from, making it all flow smoothy, etc. in just a couple weeks. Can anyone out there help me?!
Bulldog Lindsay, You are dealing with something we as teachers have to deal with every year. Many times we don't know what our teaching assignments are until one week in advance. Look up what the standards are and build around those. If there is a pacing guide, use that as a framework as well. I am reluctant to give you more as that would be doing your ass...See More
Jul 19, 2010
Lindsay Youre given your teaching assignments for the entire school year until a week in advance? That is where my issue lies. Someone with no teaching experience and having to come up with lesson for an entire school year in a couple weeks. I understand your concern, I have no desire to copy anyones entire curriculum as I have several lesson I want to inc...See More
Jul 19, 2010
Other Options I assuming that you will be teaching an art class so this would mean starting with the four quarters of the calendar year, the grade level you are preparing for and as mentioned seeing if there are any major threads under art I guess to be covered. If not, if you are at the elementary level, you might try in some way to incorporate some themes from...See More
Jul 20, 2010

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