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Dear teachers:

If you are a K-12 teacher in the United States, you are
invited to participate in a study titled “Teacher Perception
of Technology Integration in the Workplace: A National
Study.” If you teach in a teacher education program, please
feel free to forward this invitation to any graduates that
you think might be interested in participating in this
study. If you already filled out the survey, thanks for your
assistance and please dismiss this message.

Purpose of the Study: The purpose of the study is to
investigate teachers’ perceptions of technology integration
in the workplace as it relates to their self-confidence in
computer use, their preparation in formal and informal
technology courses in teacher education programs from which
they have graduated, and administrative and technical
support in their workplace.

Benefits: The findings could be used by teacher educators to
rev...See More
VA Teacher /blockquote>

On 12/03/04, yi wrote: ............
Concerning NCLB: The only way you're going to not leave a
child behind is to lower the standards to the Lowest Common
Denominator. OR eliminate all events which might leave a
child behind, such as any competitive contest like the
Spelling Bee, as explained in &...See More
Jan 30, 2005

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