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why there are no black teachers in vermont?
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abidjan /blockquote>

please stop that nonsense about "if qualified blacks applied".
the school system go and should recruit them
like they do for whites teachers from other states.

On 9/03/07, Michael wrote:
> On 8/17/07, simple demographics wrote:
>> On 8/17/07, abidjan wrote:
>>> why there are no ...See More
Sep 7, 2007
it's too friggin cold! nfm /blockquote>

On 9/07/07, abidjan wrote:
> please stop that nonsense about "if qualified blacks applied".
> the school system go and should recruit them
> like they do for whites teachers from other states.
> On 9/03/07, Michael wrote:
>> On 8/17/07, simple demographics wrote:
>>>...See More
Sep 18, 2007
Michael /blockquote>

Uh, my wife has been a teacher for 19 yrs and there is no teacher
recruiting going on! Nice try. How about this question.... Why are
there no white teachers in East Cleveland Ohio or in the Hill
district of Chicago, where a white teacher would get laughed out of
the building before even filling out the appli...See More
Sep 19, 2007
Sad Reality /blockquote>

Welcome to America 2007! People don't change, they merely polish
their acts...

On 9/19/07, Michael wrote:
> Uh, my wife has been a teacher for 19 yrs and there is no teacher
> recruiting going on! Nice try. How about this question.... Why are
> there no white teachers in East Cleveland Ohio...See More
Oct 4, 2007
dan /blockquote>

I taught in East Cleveland OH 100% blacks and hated it never
ever will teach at a black school again the pull the race card
for whatever reason. I love vermont.

On 9/03/07, Michael wrote:
> On 8/17/07, simple demographics wrote:
>> On 8/17/07, abidjan wrote:
>>> why there are n...See More
May 19, 2008

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