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Just received my biennial spam from the VEA telling
me who I am supposed to vote for. Needless to say, the
entire Democratic slate.
I am not voting for Doug Racine, no way...no how.
I do not see a 'threat' posed to educational circles by
either Jim Douglas or Con Hogan or Anthony Pollina.
I do see a 'threat' posed by the VEA by their smug
arrogance in believing that we educators have a ring
in our collective noses with which they can pull.
Years ago when Madeline Kunin was roaming the book
fair floors with Maida Townsend at Teachers Convention,
a colleague and I were seen wearing Republican buttons. We
were promptly approached by these Democratic Matrons
who were aghast that we would dare display a Republican
political preference at a Vermont educators forum.
We politely stated that we were educators were practicing
exactly what we teach our students to practice. Something
along the lines of being "criti...See More

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