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This was written in the FREE PRESS just after
Christmas. A good read and an uplift for any teacher
who feels unappreciated.

This letter appeared in our local paper by a concerned
taxpayer advocating for teachers in our district and
throughout the state:

"Teacher Stew Recipe:
-- Five handfuls of hours (10 to 12 daily)
-- One weekend of lesson planning (three to five hours
each day)
-- Twenty students with 20 different personalities
-- Ten doses of divorced or separated parents
-- Ten doses of adolescent emotional problems
-- Five drops of attention deficit disorder
-- One to two cases of physical child abuse
-- Ten hours of reviewing new materials and policies
-- If high school or junior high, add a pinch of

Now, mix it all together with your limited supplies in a
big bowl, and try and fit in some time for your own family
and your children's homework. On top...See More
Zoltan /blockquote>

On 12/29/02, Teacher Stewing wrote:
> This was written in the FREE PRESS just after
> Christmas. A good read and an uplift for any teacher
> who feels unappreciated.
> This letter appeared in our local paper by a concerned
> taxpayer advocating for teachers in our district and
...See More
Feb 2, 2003

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