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Please see the following for a great continuing education
opportunity, specially designed for Teachers, School Nurses
& other school staff who teach about health and sexuality.
For questions, or to register:
- call PPNNE's Education & Training Department at 1-800-
- send an email to: [email removed]]!)

Hope to see you there!

Deborah Brown
PPNNE Training Coordinator

Planned Parenthood of Northern New England's
TEACHER TRAINING INSTITUTE: Current Resources for Sexuality
June 23-25, 2003 - Plymouth, New Hampshire

What’s new in Sexuality Education? How can you modify your
sexuality education curriculum to include the latest
information and resources? PPNNE’s Teacher Training
Institute gives you the unique chance to get the
individualized assistance you need to design or revise your
school’s sexuality education curriculum. Each participant ...See More

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