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What is the average starting salary for a high school
teacher in Vermont?...I am a recent graduate and would love
to live in Vermont..I visit at least twice a year to
ski..Thanks for any info..Bob
Vamontah /blockquote>

I think it varies depending on where you live. I recently
moved to a very small town in Vermont and the salary is a lot
lower than in neighboring communities. (I teach elem. ed,

Check out Vermont Department of Education website and see
what you can find out.

Good luck -- it's beaut...See More
May 18, 2003
Ann /blockquote>

If you are looking to get rich in teaching, do not come to
Vermont. the salary schedules vary according to districts.
The higher paying towns are Stowe and Shelburne. Go to the
state education site and you can find salary schedules.
Oct 17, 2003
Naomi Schoenfeld /blockquote>

On 10/17/03, Ann wrote:
> If you are looking to get rich in teaching, do not come to
> Vermont.

I'd add to that, if you're looking to get rich... don't teach. Anywhere. LOL!
Nov 13, 2003

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