WA Teachers
2 Members

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We are an established exchange looking for replacements
for members who do not plan to return for the 2003-2004

If you want to hear more about this first, I'd love to
tell you about the exchange. We make it quick and easy.
We have helpful hints. And I provide the mailing list in
a labels format so you can print the labels out on
stickers and quickly stick them onto your postcards.

I hope to hear from you!

-Donna ([email removed])
jack walsh /blockquote>

I'd like to hear more about this.

On 7/14/03, Donna wrote:
> We are an established exchange looking for replacements
> for members who do not plan to return for the 2003-2004
> exchange.
> If you want to hear more about this first, I'd love to
> tell you about the exchange...See More
Jul 14, 2003

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Language Arts

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