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I noticed that a lot of parents log on here to find out
what's going on with the teachers in their area. Since the
Marysville thing happened I read someone's post on here
about switching their children into private schools. This
is something I am completely against. Changing schools can
be traumatic for your children. I know that what is going
on at the Marysville School District is not pretty and you
are obviously upset about the fact that your children have
to suffer from it but there are many other problems that
you could be causing by moving them. I myself have been
switched from school to school from public to private every
year sometimes twice a year! There was only one school that
I went to for a year and a half and during the beginning of
the second year I have my fondest memories of school. It is
important for children to have stability. I don't have any
friends from High School because I neve...See More

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