WA Teachers
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Anyone know what the pay scale is for a teacher with 6yrs
experience? I will be moving to Ft.Lewis soon and would
like to continue teaching..


GJ /blockquote>

I've taught 6 years in WA and bring home a little less than
$2000/month. You will do significantly better if you have
your Masters, which I don't yet have. The important thing
in WA is to find a place where you can afford to live on a
teacher's salary- in Ft Lewis, you should be o.k., but any
farther nor...See More
Apr 24, 2004
Jenna /blockquote>

You may want to check out the Clover Park school district at
[link removed]

They cover the Ft. Lewis area and are looking for teachers
for the upcoming school year. There is salary information on
the site, but they do offer some interesting perks,
especially when it comes to advanced degrees for tea...See More
Apr 26, 2004

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