WA Teachers
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I'm looking for parent and teacher input on the state of standardized testing in WA. In particular, the name of the test and the company that produces it; how long has it been used; major concerns; testing schedule; number of end-of-course for high-schoolers, etc. I am a Texas high school language arts teacher with two kids in jr. high/high school who is looking into moving back to Washington. We have been gone ten years and don't know what the state of education is, and i have only taught in Texas. Any info would be appreciated.
James Weaver The new test this year in mathematics is called the Smarter Balanced test. Our district will be doing the test on the computer for the first time. Washington has adopted the common core standards. I've taught in this state a long time and they are always changing things around. We haven't had any cost of living raises in a long time and our medica...See More
Mar 20, 2015

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