WY Teachers
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    Help the Baldwin Wallace College Research Team and take
    part in a simple, easy ten question survey for a major
    world-wide research study on teacher retention.

    Go to [link removed]

    Click on the Survey Section and proceed to take the online
    survey. Our goal with this research study is to find <...See More

    Looking for Montessori trained teachers for all levels (0-
    3,3-6,6-9) to teach at an international Montessori school
    in Beijing, China. Immediate openings. We offer
    competitive salary and benefits.

    I'm looking for my 5th grade teacher. Her name is Cindy
    (Nelson)Martin. This is the Teacher that never gave up on
    me. This 1990 graduate,prior US Marine, and now government
    employee asks for your help in finding the person who
    inspired him to always keep trying and never give up.

    Cary L Beauvais

    My name is Kristen I live outside of Niagara Falls NY and
    I am helping my daughter's 3rd grade teacher organize a
    project. I am in need of willing participants. The project
    will consist of each participating class to make 16 paper
    gingerbread men, depicting facts about the area or state
    that you li...See More


    THE 2005 JOINT ASSEMBLY, a partnership between AGU, SEG,
    NABS and SPD/AAS, is being held 23—27 May 2005 in New
    Orleans, Louisiana. The Program Committee is developing a
    Union-wide science program that will cover topics in all
    areas of geophysical sciences. With a reputation as one o...See More

    Dear teachers:

    If you are a K-12 teacher in the United States, you are
    invited to participate in a study titled “Teacher Perception
    of Technology Integration in the Workplace: A National
    Study.” If you teach in a teacher education program, please
    feel free to forward this invitation to any graduates...See More

    Teachers interested in Spring Break and Summer Programs
    abroad should look to [link removed]

    I am organizing an elementary valentine exchange. We don't
    have anyone signed up for Wyoming!:( Surely there's
    someone out there!! If you would be interested in joining
    us, please email me ASAP! Here are the details:
    One class from each state is signing up to participate. I
    am compiling all mailing addr...See More
    WY Liberal /blockquote>

    On 1/13/05, Krista wrote:...............
    Concerning NCLB: The only way you're going to not leave a
    child behind is to lower the standards to the Lowest Common
    Denominator. OR eliminate all events which might leave a
    child behind, such as any competitive contest like the
    Spelling Bee, as expla...See More
    Jan 30, 2005

    CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Congress in the Classroom® 2005

    DEADLINE: March 15, 2005

    Congress in the Classroom® is a national, award-winning
    education program now in its 13th year. Sponsored by The
    Dirksen Congressional Center, the workshop is dedicated to
    the exchange of ideas and information o...See More

    Free Summer Workshops on Canal-Era History –

    Learn About One of the Best-Kept Secrets of American
    History: The I&M Canal

    Five-day teacher workshops exploring the themes of
    immigration, transportation, western expansion and city
    building through study of the U.S. Canal Era, using the
    I...See More
    We get it already. Please don't spam it 50 more times. /blockquote>

    You've totally trashed the state teacher's board. Must not
    be a very popular workshop series if you're that desperate
    for participants.

    On 1/29/05, Canal Corridor Association wrote:
    > Free Summer Workshops on Canal-Era History –
    > Learn About One of the Best-Kept Secrets of American ...See More
    Jan 29, 2005

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