I am a graduate student at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. I am conducting research for my master's degree in Curriculum & Instruction, specializing in math. Specifically, I created a survey regarding the role of virtual manipulatives in today's mathematics classroom. I am in the process of distributing this survey to as many mathematics teachers as possible. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Below is a direct link to the survey:
[link removed]
PLEASE forward this e-mail on to any teachers you know who are currently teaching mathematics-- elementary, middle, or high school. With your help, I hope to receive results from all over the country.
Any help you can provide in publicizing this survey is greatly appreciated.
I just wanted to THANK everyone that help me in my quest to find a long lost teacher that made a differance in my life. I have been in contact with her. For all you teachers out there that never give up on a kid. This is one for you.
I was one of those kids that had trouble in school. My fourth grade teacher Miss Gwyeski was wonderful and caring, for the year I had her. She gave a little extra care to all the kids, never leaving a kid lost or confused. I moved at the end of the year to Worland, Wyoming. There I met my fifth grade teacher Mrs. Nelson. Cindy Nelson was the kind of teacher that wanted to make a differance. She wouldn't let a kid just slide by. She took extra time to help the kids before and after school. She was a great teacher. I was one of those kids that always needed a lot of help, but she never gave up on me. She had a way of always making sence to me and of getting me to try my best. Even after fifth grade, she was there for me. When I needed a little kick in the butt, or just a little "I know you can do it"; she was there. She became a second mother to me. Then I went into the marines and she was remarried. Some time after bootcamp I lost contact with her. I'm stuborn and like she installed in me, I won't give up on someone. It took a little over ten years and the help of a few of you here on this site, but I am now back intouch with her. I have met a few kids at my work that have trouble in school, and I have been able to aid them in their choise to stay in school. I learned from one of the best how important school is. So to all of you out there that share the same spirit of teaching as Cindy Nelson, I just want to say "THANK YOU ALL" and "YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERANCE". Cary L. Beauvais
Hoping that someone could tell me whether or not there are many openings for teachers in WY? Are there areas that are harder/easier to find employment? I currently live in FL, but am from MT and would like to give WY a try. I'm really interested in Cheyenne. Any information would be appreciated!!
Over the last year or two I recall several people on T-Net posting about their experiences with the internet-based program, Headsprout Early Reading. In fact I think I was one of them -- we tried the free scholarships at my school two years ago, with outstanding results, and followed that up by purchasing accounts for a number of high-needs kids in Grade 1 plus some ELL kids in Grades 2 and 3 last year. Again, Headsprout proved to be a tremendous catalyst to the kids' reading -- not only their skills, but (most important in the long run), their enthusiasm about reading and their self-perception as good readers. Even the most struggling kids made a lot of progress and LOVED to read -- they took home books every night and there was lots of book-sharing and book-talk in the classroom. One of our teachers remarked that this was the first year that every single child was enthusiastic and really pumped up about reading . Of course she is a very skilled teacher herself, but she attributed the palpable shift to the effect Headsprout had on the (previously) "low- performing" kids.
It's an excellent supplementary program but I'm a theme- oriented person myself and like to integrate stuff. I can see lots of potential to tie in other reading and language activities (also science and social studies) with some of the Headsprout characters and backgrounds -- more thematic expansion about ocean life, the coral reef, rain forests, habitats & communities,.... writing activities.... I am never short of ideas but I would be a lot more productive in getting them on paper and organized if I had others to share ideas with. So far I am the only one in my district using Headsprout and I don't know of people elsewhere, either, but I know they are out there.
So, I have started a Yahoo group for teachers using Headsprout, hoping we can get enough folks to subscribe, trouble-shoot and swap ideas to be a support system for one another and also share materials and ideas we develop. I made up little letter tiles for word-building (a la Isabel Beck's new book -- a good one if you haven't seen it), a kind of tracking log to monitor kids' reading the "episode stories" (place for observations), and have some printing activities and games I have developed but not uploaded yet. If others were interested it would galvanize me into going farther with the themes idea and actually organize it -- need input from other people, though.
It would also be great to swap ideas on how to solve some of the practical issues, like timetabling and progress monitoring, that come up along the way.
So, if you are using Headsprout, please go here: [link removed]!
This is always a busy time of year but the kids are already excited about reading, so I am excited too.
If you are a teach students in grades 4-9, we invite you to participate in a special pilot study for a federally funded research project, the e-Learning for Educators Initiative.
The Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC) at Boston College is conducting a pilot study to examine the characteristics of test items that will be used in the large-scale research project and you may be eligible to participate in this pilot study. You will only need to complete an online survey, and administer two online tests to your students, and you will eligible for a $100 stipend.
In order to be eligible you must: • Be a teacher in grades 4- 9 • NOT be a teacher in the following list of states. (The larger research study will occur in these states and thus these teachers cannot participate in the pilot study). o Alabama o Delaware o Kentucky o Mississippi o Missouri o New Hampshire o Pennsylvania o West Virginia • Be able to administer an online test to a class of students.
All teachers who participate will receive instant feedback about student performance. You can use this feedback to assess your students and inform future instruction.
In addition to the feedback about your students’ performance, the first 140 teachers to complete the requirements (10 in each sub-content area) will receive $100 for each sub-content area. Completing the requirements means taking the teacher survey and administering both tests to your students.
You can participate in multiple sub-content areas (listed below). Participation requirements are:
• You will take one online survey, estimated to take 30-45 minutes to complete. • You will administer two online tests to a class of at least 15 students. Each test takes one full class period; the total amount of participation time needed from your students is two class periods. You will need Flash v8 or higher to administer the students tests. This software is free for download at [link removed]
These requirements are for each sub-content area chosen. The sub-content areas are:
4th and 5th Grade ELA sub-content areas: • Vocabulary • Reading Comprehension: Narrative • Reading Comprehension: Expository • Writing 5th and 6th Grade Math sub-content areas: • Fractions • Algebraic Thinking • Measurement
7th and 8th Grade ELA sub-content areas: • Vocabulary • Reading Comprehension: Narrative • Reading Comprehension: Expository • Writing 8th and 9th Grade Math sub-content areas: • Proportional Reasoning • Functions • Geometric Measurement
For more information about the study and to sign up, please visit:
[link removed]!”
Once you sign up, you will be directed to the Teacher Management Page. Here you can download the files “Pilot Instructions” and “Stipend and Contact Information” for further details.
You can also contact the researchers at efe.[email removed].
If you teach students in grades 4-9, we invite you to participate in a special pilot study for a federally funded research project, the e-Learning for Educators Initiative.
The Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative (inTASC) at Boston College is conducting a pilot study to examine the characteristics of test items that will be used in the large-scale research project and you may be eligible to participate in this pilot study. You will only need to complete an online survey, and administer two online tests to your students, and you will receive a $100 stipend.
This study will conclude on Friday, December 8, so sign up now and participate! We need your help to collect data for this important study! For more information, or to sign up, please visit [link removed]
In order to be eligible you must: • Be a teacher in grades 4- 9 • NOT be a teacher in the following list of states. (The larger research study will occur in these states and thus these teachers cannot participate in the pilot study). o Alabama o Delaware o Kentucky o Mississippi o Missouri o New Hampshire o Pennsylvania o West Virginia • Be able to administer an online test to a class of students.
All teachers who participate will receive instant feedback about student performance. You can use this feedback to assess your students and inform future instruction.
In addition to the feedback about your students’ performance, the first 140 teachers to complete the requirements (10 in each sub-content area) will receive $100 for each sub-content area. Completing the requirements means taking the teacher survey and administering both tests to your students.
You can participate in multiple sub-content areas (listed below). Participation requirements are:
• You will take one online survey, estimated to take 30-45 minutes to complete. • You will administer two online tests to a class of at least 15 students. Each test takes one full class period; the total amount of participation time needed from your students is two class periods. You will need Flash v8 or higher to administer the students tests. This software is free for download at [link removed]
These requirements are for each sub-content area chosen. The sub-content areas are:
4th and 5th Grade ELA sub-content areas: • Vocabulary • Reading Comprehension: Narrative • Reading Comprehension: Expository • Writing 5th and 6th Grade Math sub-content areas: • Fractions • Algebraic Thinking • Measurement
7th and 8th Grade ELA sub-content areas: • Vocabulary • Reading Comprehension: Narrative • Reading Comprehension: Expository • Writing 8th and 9th Grade Math sub-content areas: • Proportional Reasoning • Functions • Geometric Measurement
For more information about the study and to sign up, please visit:
[link removed]!”
Once you sign up, you will be directed to the Teacher Management Page. Here you can download the files “Pilot Instructions” and “Stipend and Contact Information” for further details.
You can also contact the researchers at efe.[email removed].
Every teacher is entitled to a duty-free lunch and planning and preparation time. Except for a few minor changes made in the 1995 rewrite of the Texas Education Code, the statutes have essentially remained the same.
Duty-free lunch – Texas Education Code, Sec. 21.405 By law, each classroom teacher and full-time librarian gets at least a 30-minute lunch period “free from all duties and responsibilities connected with the instruction and supervision of students.” According to a Texas Attorney General opinion, the term “duty” would include a directive that teachers remain on campus during lunch, because it would relate to student instruction or supervision. Districts cannot require teachers to stay on campus during their 30-minute lunch even if the campus is “closed” for students.
The law provides exceptions—personnel shortages, extreme economic conditions or unavoidable/unforeseen circumstances—which give districts the right to require teachers to supervise lunches, but not more than one time per week.
The rules adopted by the commissioner of education set the bar very high before a district can assign a teacher to lunch duty. Scheduling problems do not create unforeseen circumstances. They exist when an epidemic, illness, or natural or man-made disaster leaves no one available to do the duty. An extreme economic condition exists when hiring a person to supervise lunch would cause the district to raise taxes to the extent that the district might face a tax roll-back election. A personnel shortage exists only after all available nonteaching personnel—superintendent and business manager included—have been assigned to the duty and the district has diligently recruited community volunteers to help.
Planning and preparation time – Texas Education Code, Sec. 21.404 The law entitles every teacher to planning and preparation time, during which the district can require the teacher to engage in no activity other than parent-teacher conferences, evaluating student work, and planning. Teachers must have at least 450 minutes of planning time every two weeks in increments of not less than 45 minutes within the instructional day.
A teacher could have five 90-minute conference periods within a two-week period, instead of a 45-minute conference period each day. A district can provide 50- minute blocks of planning time daily, and exceed the minimum requirement, but it could not provide 50 minutes one day and 40 minutes the next.
A district cannot schedule a 7:45 a.m.-3:15 p.m. instructional day, and then give teachers 3:15 p.m.-4:00 p.m. to plan after the students leave.
Conference period cases often involve requirements for group planning or staff development during planning periods. According to the commissioner of education, if a district gives teachers no more than the statutory minimum planning time, the district cannot ask teachers to engage in group-planning during one of those planning periods.
A district that schedules 50-minute planning periods every day could ask teachers to plan as a group one day every two weeks, but the district could not take one planning period for group planning and another for staff development.
Wyoming Math and Science Teachers 2007 Professional Development Conference
March 30th and 31st, 2007
Teton Science Schools' Jackson Campus, Jackson, WY
Teachers who attend the conference will receive: A $250 gift certificate for the student of their choice (a non-family member) to attend a Teton Science Schools 2007 summer program
A $250 gift certificate for themselves to attend a Teton Science Schools Teacher Learning Center program offered through August of 2007
The Registration Fee is Waved for Presenters.
Contact Lindsay Patterson for full details: lindsay.[email removed]