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Free Summer Workshops on Canal-Era History –

Learn About One of the Best-Kept Secrets of American
History: The I&M Canal

Five-day teacher workshops exploring the themes of
immigration, transportation, western expansion and city
building through study of the U.S. Canal Era, using the
Illinois & Michigan Canal as a case study for the canal
experience. Made possible through a grant from the
National Endowment for the Humanities, the workshops are
for K-12 teachers across the U.S.

Workshop highlights include
• $500 stipend for each participant
• Discounted graduate credit available
• Presentations by noted canal historians, scholars
and authors
• Field visits to sites throughout the I&M Canal
National Heritage Corridor
• Access to I&M Canal Archives at Lewis University
• A wealth of resources, including unpublished
primary source document...See More
We get it already. Please don't spam it 50 more times. /blockquote>

You've totally trashed the state teacher's board. Must not
be a very popular workshop series if you're that desperate
for participants.

On 1/29/05, Canal Corridor Association wrote:
> Free Summer Workshops on Canal-Era History –
> Learn About One of the Best-Kept Secrets of American ...See More
Jan 29, 2005

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