WY Teachers
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A friend of mine is now living in Wyoming. Her son has been
bullied in school, and when he finally fought back, he got
in trouble but the other boy did not. This child was new to
the area and didn't know anyone. This is going on for the
second year for him - he is in 8th grade. The counselor at
the child's school told the mother that because the bullies
are athletes, the principal will not punish the bullies.
Who in Wyoming does this mother turn to? She has another
child, and they know few people. They're trying to handle
matters with their son, but it is taking it's toll
emotionally on the entire family. What steps are proper in
Wyoming for them to take? I know that laws vary across the
states...here in VA, a student has the right to defend
themselves. If anyone can please help, this familiy could
sure use it. Thanks.

Irish /blockquote>

I think your friend needs to see some counseling assistance
from outside the school. If the child is being bullied he
will need emotional support. Finding a good psychologist to
evaluate the child for emotional impact of the bullying will
help him and the parents to understand how he may have
become a vi...See More
Feb 20, 2006

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