Mostafa Sayyadi CAHRI AFAIM CPMgr


Subjects Taught

Business, Management, Leadership, Human Resources


As a strategic thinker with over 8 years of experience in industry, Mostafa works with senior business leaders, mangers, and staff to effectively develop knowledge and innovation in companies. He has led change management initiatives and the development of enterprise strategic management frameworks to strategically manage organizational knowledge. Working in Australia and Iran assists global and domestic leaders to minimize the business risks of working across cultures and with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, enhance their intercultural effectiveness, deliver innovation and business results. In recognition of his work with Australian Institute of Management and Australian Human Resources Institute, he has been awarded the titles, “Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management” (AFAIM), “Certified Professional Manager” (CPMgr) and “Certified Professional in Human Resources” (CAHRI). Mostafa’s academic experience also developed analytical skills, logical reasoning, the ability to reflect and to use carefully reasoned arguments to present and defend insights. He has extensive writing experience, which includes his publications in academic journals, conference proceedings and research reports on a range of topics. He is a business book author at Amazon Kindle Book Publisher and a regular contributor to, Richtopia, BIZCATALYST360, Home Business Magazine and other top-flight business publications. Mostafa’s research interests are organizational leadership, organizational wisdom, organizational knowledge, knowledge economies, human resources development, and organizational behavior. Mostafa enjoys leading as a servant, leading change, management training, traveling, and jogging.

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Mostafa Sayyadi CAHRI AFAIM CPMgr






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