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I am very discouraged right now. It seems like Building
Blocks has almost slipped into oblivion! The BB chatboard
is as good as inactive, maybe 1-2 posts a week. And there
is little or no mention of BB on any of the 4 blocks
websites. I have used BB for several years now, I won all
the books and have read them several times, but at times
(like right now!!) I need a little inspiration, so I go
looking. Finding stuff on the web always gives me new
ideas & a little wind in my sails, but it seems like what
used to be out there about BB is gone, and nothing new is
taking its place.

Is there something going on with BB that I am unaware of?
Do I need to start searching for a new literacy framework
to use that has support available? I love BB, but it sure
seems like it is becoming a little extinct.

Please let me know if you know anything about this!

deb /blockquote>

On 4/01/07, kteacher271 wrote:
> I am very discouraged right now. It seems like Building
> Blocks has almost slipped into oblivion! The BB chatboard
> is as good as inactive, maybe 1-2 posts a week. And there
> is little or no mention of BB on any of the 4 blocks
> websites. I have used BB...See More
Apr 1, 2007
kteacher271 /blockquote>

> It is alive and well. Post here and we'll chat. The
> Building Blocks chatboard was never ever very active. I just
> spent several days in awesome Building Blocks classrooms.
> The teachers incorporated science into their predictable
> charts lessons.

I am so relieved to know that ...See More
Apr 2, 2007
deb /blockquote>

> My frustration right now is the whole letter of the week
> thing. We are supposed to do LOTW in my district because
> that's how our curriculum is laid out. I know that is not the
> most effective or appropriate way to teach letters & sounds,
> so I was really curious about how ...See More
Apr 2, 2007
Diana in FL /blockquote>

Some districts in Fl have money to invest in programs and
materials. I have been trying to figure this thing out and have
bought several of the books thinking that each one would give
more insight than the next. Not so. How do you get acquainted
with this program. This works really well for elementary, but <...See More
Apr 14, 2007
Erica /blockquote>

Hi! I use BB ,too. I don't check this board too often but if you
ever want to chat with another BB teacher, e-mail me!


On 4/14/07, Diana in FL wrote:
> Some districts in Fl have money to invest in programs and
> materials. I have been trying to figure this thing out and have
>...See More
Apr 18, 2007

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