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I just found out I'll be teaching a split level class thiss year. I tried it with a smaller group for ASL III & IV several years ago and it didn't work. I told my administrators that and they said it was the only way to have an ASL III class this year. I think they're planning on a total of about 22 students (only about 8 are ASL III).

Does anyone have any experience with this...any ideas for keeping one group busy while working with the other? We have a language lab, but I can't use it everyday. Also the videos are shown on a big smartboard, so it will be even more distracting for the other group.

Any suggestions will be really appreciated!
ASL Instructor On 7/23/10, Maggi wrote:

Hello Maggie,

A simple way to solve your problem would be to use, an online educational program to assist you and your students. Right now, we are offering a SUBSTANTIAL discount to schools. Our goal is to make sure teachers and students have access to this one-of-a-kind program.
...See More
Jul 27, 2010
Brent the ASL teacher Hello...

I taught ASL 2/3 combined classes as well as ASL 3/4 combined classes. I don't know what curriculum you use but I was using the Signing Naturally VISTA series. To make it work for the 2/3 class, they each had their own curriculum (2=pink, 3 = yellow). I would teach each level their own individual unit signs and then assign them t...See More
Aug 11, 2010

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