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Hello All-
Can anyone direct me to someone that can help me
with an afterschool program in RI for grades 6 and below?
We want to start a sign language club to encourage the
kids to speak with a hearing impaired student at the
school. Here is the story behind it...
My oldest daughter Ariana, 8, is a very inspiring,
kind hearted individual. There is a girl named Shannon
that spends part of the day, lunch, and recess in with her
class. Shannon communicates using a very basic form of
sign language and my daughter (as well as a few of her
friends and her little sister) want to comunicate with
Shannon desperately. Ariana has brought home numerous
books from the library but has a hard time learning the
movements from a flat page. If anyone has any ideas or
knows anyone that may be able to help enrich the lives of
these children- please let me know.
Thank you,
Kadi /blockquote>

Hi Staci,
Don't know of anyone in your area, but the club is a great
idea! I'm currently studying ASL & am really enjoying it:)

You might try contacting these people & seeing if they know
anyone. (Deaf community is a big part of residential schools
for the Deaf.) I just googled residential schoo...See More
Nov 9, 2007
dog has bad ears /blockquote>

Also check with various churches in the area that has a deaf
ministry. See if one of them is available to do a club at
school. Videos are easier than books when trying to learn
signs independently. Check your public library and encourage
them to order some DVD, videos, etc.

On 11/09/07, ...See More
Nov 24, 2007

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