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My daughter is in high school. She would like to be a
teacher of blind and/or deaf students. Where (in Alabama?)
would she go to learn this? Is ASL a certificated course
you take for a year or two? Is it part of a bachelor degree
of a special ed major? Any recommendations?
Ms Apple /blockquote>

Try this website, at least for starters.

On 12/04/07, Connie wrote:
> My daughter is in high school. She would like to be a
> teacher of blind and/or deaf students. Where (in Alabama?)
> would she go to learn this? Is ASL a certificated course
> you take for a year or two? Is it part of ...See More
Dec 8, 2007
DDee /blockquote>

Dec 22, 2007
Michelle /blockquote>

The high school I went to in IL offered ASL as a class and I
took it for 2 years for credit-instead of for spanish. I was
also in a sign language club and took classes at the Center on
Deafness-which is an amazing resource. Google Center on
Deafness, Northbrook IL or COD.. They are wonderful!

On 12...See More
Dec 28, 2007
dog has bad ears /blockquote>

Believe or not ASL is still not recognized as a foreign
language in all states yet. Chances are if your state
recognizes it, then you'll start seeing local school
district adding ASL to their curriculum. (Probably major
cities only.) I know the trouble our district has is finding
certified teachers of AS...See More
Dec 29, 2007
lynne /blockquote>

On 12/04/07, Connie wrote:
> My daughter is in high school. She would like to be a
> teacher of blind and/or deaf students. Where (in Alabama?)
> would she go to learn this? Is ASL a certificated course
> you take for a year or two? Is it part of a bachelor
> of a special ed maj...See More
Dec 31, 2007

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