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To Whom It May Concern:

Hello, my name is Marianna Devenow. I proudly serve on the E! Entertainment Civic Engagement Team with City Year Los Angeles. City Year is a non-profit AmeriCorps organization whose primary goal is to build democracy through citizen service, civic engagement, leadership development and social entrepreneurship. This year, over 1500 corps members will provide over 10 months of full time community service in 18 cities across the US and in South Africa. My team plans and runs community beautification days in Los Angeles and engages community members from across the city in these days of service. I am thrilled to announce that we have a big service event coming up on May 30, 2009. It will be located at Marlton Charter School for the Deaf; projects will include: painting murals, landscaping and brightening up the school.

The theme of this service day is to bridge the gap between the deaf and hearing communities. Being that half the volunteers will be...See More
trying to post a pix for kids seeing if it works...thanks

[link removed]
Dec 26, 2009

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