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Can we talk about health insurance? I am overwhelmed by all of the options. If you wouldn't mind sharing, please share which options you think are the best and why.
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Ida We also have FEHB. It seems like the most common type. It offers 40 massages and other things like that so I think a lot of people recommend it. We are new and actually I am trying to figure out how to file my first claim. It isn't complicated I just need to do it. I have emailed a few times and received quick replies.
Jan 21, 2018
HelpOthers Foreign Service Benifit Plan (services by Aetna) works well state-side too, especially if you like chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture (40 each per person per year, no copay no deductible). For glasses, VSP is great and for dental Metlife Dental + even lets you have braces during the first year- many others make you wait at least a year.
Feb 22, 2018
LiteracyRocks I currently have Tricare Prime, a benefit I retained after my divorce from my retired USAF husband. Is this coverage that I can still utilize if I'm overseas?
Feb 24, 2018
Scholar Literacyrocks, depends on the post. I'm lucky that my prime didn't go to standard it went to some other name and I'm covered on base as I always have been but it was made clear not all overseas posts have that luxury.
Feb 24, 2018
HelpOthers LiteracyRocks, I suggest another primary insurance with Tricare as your secondary, but you can check for coverage in the area you are being assigned before deciding.
Feb 24, 2018

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